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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 19, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  BYAKKO2234Chernobog ADC, OK I guess
Season 10  DrawingSteam682Zhong kui mid, that just spams abilities, no real timing to them
Season 10  AdmiralGoat5072Arachne Jungle that just rides the snowball
Season 10  joseteee_33Went Hades Solo, didn’t lose his lane, but too little too late
Season 10  MGE AlphaLATAMTerrible at all roles and spams the role change for jung
Season 10  KINGMADMATTYAgni mid that doesn’t know where to go
Season 10  aHx57Went Sol ADC but was always split pushing, was never in a teamfightThis guy is best left in supp role, he can do no wrong here
Season 10  CRY ABOUT 1THas a tendency to drop out of queues, internet issues maybe
Season 10  CristianTyrAnnoying Ares, good support OK build
Season 10  Queen DaeneryssDecent Jungle as Awilix, good at teamfights
Season 10  JAK3 ACNo good Apollo ADC, wasn’t really in good positions
Season 10  ReeperdKing Arthur as solo, has good pressure and decent build
Season 10  TheRealBadBoybkHera midding, she was decent, very annoying
Season 10  IAMMICKEYBELLNANeith as ADC, he was just OK
Season 10  KayaFiendNAThis dude went Pele Solo, he wasn’t bad by any means, but we needed a frontlineWhen playing jungle, he just W keys into all fights, works sometimes, but you know what happens when you take all fights, you lose most of them
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