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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 19, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  PopcornMemesNACannot Solo to save his own life! Literally
Season 10  YourBuddyKiraBad Jungle, played Rat but was out of position most of the time doesn’t know how to pick his fightsHades solo that just W keyed
Season 10  Batsman LiezertThis was not a good mid, with Ah Puch so I don’t know if it was the god pick
Season 10  AnotherMemoryJust OK mid
Season 10  Fgonzalez007LATAMArtemis main 1 trick pony
Season 10  BlgDenileCharon Support that was just Meh
Season 10  jmbm11Terrible ADC with Ah Muzen Cab, it was sad to watch
Season 10  IzzianiMid Jorm that had no business playing that mid role
Season 10  BlakFTBMeh Solo with Achilles
Season 10  fabiengiardok support, at least knew what he was doingPlayed as ADC this matchup and didnt disappointI think this guy has 600+ ping, its stupid to queue NA if you cant keep up with other players
Season 10  BeaconBrawlerNAMid laner that is always out of position!
Season 10  ColdChaosWolf98Meh mid even with a kukulkan
Season 10  YoNoSpeakiNot a very good supp with Sylvanus
Season 10  micah792Terrible Apollo ADC that was never in team fights
Season 10  AxlCraze7Ratatoskar Jungle that just knows the basics
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