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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 19, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  Obi Wan YaHomieMeh solo Herc
Season 10  smoothibunzDecent Pele knew his role
Season 10  iiTzTestoUseless adc that Neiths
Season 10  Enjoy CoalKumba support that was carried
Season 10  DunkDontNut247
Season 10  GERNARO MORALESlatamAnnoying Ymir, bad support
Season 10  BrowenH13Terrible Fenrir Jungle, cannot build
Season 10  Flame_AcidicFreya mid and pretty much a quitter if he does not snowball
Season 10  CheifOhioDecent Horus
Season 10  Sgt_Odd-BallxTroll solo with Rav, terrible build and game sense
Season 10  LuvChowdyMeh, mid
Season 10  Fourth-hokage876latamTerra support, no good
Season 10  DarthJohnson876latamTerrible Solo Herc
Season 10  RauskyDecent Than, probably in ELO Hell
Season 10  Nakimbo_21Garbage hades with bad ult timings
Total Visits: 11824