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These are my ranked conquest matchmaking comments updated as of September 19, 2024
Player Name Location of Origin Match Outcome 1 Match Outcome 2 Match Outcome 3 Match Outcome 4 Match Outcome 5
Season 10  TheBorckster12Trolling Loki pick and DCér
Season 10  iHygoDZlatamCannot hit Basics
Season 10  XxFrostPheonixxXmeh solo
Season 10  Obok5867lucky snowball jungles
Season 10  rhbrown97ok support
Season 10  Raemyxplays easy adc's to piggy back off
Season 10  ralf camaleon
Season 10  FlashyFloodDoes not know the adc role, has shitty internet
Season 10  plsjevalolatamterrible solo F6 spammer that cant hit water if he fell into a lake
Season 10  ZenD3RPlays gods that he doesn’t master yet
Season 10  DunnoFamAhlieterrible neith adc
Season 10  ITried999meh jung kali missed everything
Season 10  Vindicated9memer supp
Season 10  King Sonny901mediocre solo
Season 10  Fearless P3aphro memer
Total Visits: 11825